Mago Mobile Phone Policy

04.02.2021 355

Mehmet Ahmet Genç Secondary School

 Mobile Phone Policy


Pupils are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school. If a child does bring a mobile phone to school, it will be taken by the teacher and returned at home time. If a child has his/her mobile phone confiscated three times, it will be kept in the school until a parent/guardian comes to collect it.


If a teacher has any suspicion that a mobile phone has unsuitable material stored on it, parents will be informed. Where there is a suspicion that the material on the mobile may provide evidence relating to a criminal offence the phone will be handed over to the headmaster for further investigation. Parents will be informed in such circumstances.


The school will incorporate this policy in the school's discipline policy and will treat breaches as they would treat any other breach of school discipline.


The school accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.


Pupils using mobile phones to bully other pupils or send offensive messages/calls will face disciplinary actions as per the School Code of Behaviour.


It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person.




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